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Revision as of 04:03, 15 April 2020 by Administrator (talk | contribs) (Tests)

q - stands for Question
This template is recommended to be used whenever a literature question is needed.


first - number of the question.
second - the actual text of the question.

One question - one paragraph

{{q|25|Isn't this nice?}}
It will automatically link the question to the 25 paragraph.


Code Expected Actual
{{q|1|Isn't this nice?}}
{{q|25|Isn't this nice?}}
{{q|105|Isn't this nice?}}

Number at the end

Code Expected Actual
{{q|1|Isn't this nice?}}

One question - multiple paragraphs

{{q|25-27|Isn't this nice?}}
It will automatically link the question to the 25 paragraph.


Code Expected Actual
{{q|7-9|Isn't this nice?}}
{{q|7-10|Isn't this nice?}}
{{q|10-12|Isn't this nice?}}
{{q|99-101|Isn't this nice?}}
{{q|101-105|Isn't this nice?}}